Sometimes you find something akin to gold and mine was in the form of a cassette and one of the tracks moved me to tears so much so that I asked the artist if I could use it on FB but I didn’t tell him how and this is it.
The song is ‘Only 19’ written by John Schumann and this recording is by Tony Malone, a dear friend, who also played all the instruments and sings.
I downloaded the images from Pixbay and married the two.
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I’ll be putting the rest of the tracks on here as I process them… Enjoy…G..x
This is a none commercial website so no profits or income is derived but the original record attributed all royalties for the song go to the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia. I’ve included a link to the Wikipedia account just below the video on this page if you want to come back and follow it.
Click the photo to run the video – oh, and find a hanky!…
Thank you Tony Malone – your music is beautiful.
Link to Wikipedia/Only 19