Liz and Simon’s Beautiful Quirky Wedding

Well my Dear Peeps, what a weekend… on Friday we made our way to the beautiful Swinton Bivouac site above Masham to celebrate the marriage of Elizabeth and Simon Das and boy, was it wonderfully different?

The Venue

Here are a few photographs of the stunning location as a starter then followed by the ‘main event’, what a treat was in store.

Beautiful sunset in the dale


We were directed to a magnificent shed complete with three-tiered bunk beds, no electricity but plenty of ‘T’ lights, a wonderful view through the forest and an occasional midge.

The Night Before the Morning After

After a brief recce, we made our way to the cafe/bar area for a treat of a night complete with acoustic live music, open fire and a lot of laughter.

There was, of course, other cabaret including me falling over a table! (It was dark but there may have been other contributory factors  )


Then to Saturday

The Day!

We had a leisurely start with an all-day breakfast that included bacon, sausage and a fried egg all in a freshly made ciabatta bun, we really know how to live!

After a return to the posh shed we re-emerged in our “wedding outfits” ready for the service. Everyone had made a tremendous effort and there was every style and era in evidence.

Then it was a short walk past the stone circle into a glade where we congregated to await the main player, Elizabeth. It was sunny to start with then there was a gentle but significant summer shower.
Louise arrived in style and looked beautiful with her upbeat vibrant outfit with, and this was a stroke of genius, her parasol from her own wedding! Tremendous touch.

… you haven’t changed a bit!

The Ceremony

Spirits remained high though as we all either prayed or fervently wished for the blue sky to reassert itself and with the help of our combined thoughts and a wonderful stroke of genius as George Boomsma (talented singer-guitarist) struck up with “Here Comes the Sun”. A priceless piece of timing as the sun came out and the rain abated just as the bride arrived.
Only then were we invited to turn around to welcome the bride and believe me, there were many joyful tears as the bridesmaids led her into the glade and towards our encampment.
She looked beautiful against the backdrop of trees, stone circle and lush ferns complete with a smile that would light a room. Dad, of course, was supplementary, but wonderfully decked with a quirky outfit that was in keeping with the bohemian theme.

As she walked between the straw bales on which we would be sat there was a spontaneous move as each of the brolly owners held them over her head as she passed through the congregation.
A fabulous, unforgettable picture.


After the ceremony we were offered very pleasant mojitos and encouraged to circulate within the beautiful glade before being invited into the stone circle for photographs.


Elizabeth and Simon

Sarah MacVean and Simon Halliday were like mountain goats up on stones getting the best shots from high and low. No part of this fabulous setting was ignored.
I can say that there were floods of tears, some poignant, some sad but mostly happy and huge love that hugged us from arrival to departure.
This was a wedding that was serious, quirky, happy, joyous and just stuffed with love.
All of the speeches were touching and thoughtful with affection and much humour. There were special thanks to Louise and Dave, a wonderful reference to Simon’s dad and the work that he did when he saved Dave’s life and the most beautiful and plentiful references to Simon’s loving and caring Mum, she left a tremendous legacy in the form of her children.

I believe good and beautiful people never die because their children are a special gift to the world and it ensures their continued presence.  I’m so glad I took a hanky.

Thank you so much Elizabeth and Simon for inviting us to your beautifully quirky and love stuffed wedding, just fabulous…G..x

1 thought on “Liz and Simon’s Beautiful Quirky Wedding”

  1. George this is just fabulous and a lovely surprise. Thank you so much for blogging our wedding so beautifully it is such a fantastic reminder, we had no idea! So chuffed you enjoyed it so much, that’s just what we wanted to create for people. Xx Elizabeth and Simon


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