Bullamoor Circular

Today we’ll learn about the delights of walking around Bullamoor, ice skating without skates and the draw of the Fox and Hounds but on this occasion, it is resisted although I can say we’ve had some nice meals in there. So here we go:

A beautiful day for 5 elderly hippies to go for a walk. I received a text from an old friend George Renwick as follows, “Heyup George, we’re doing a 5

“Heyup George, we’re doing a 5 miler round Bullamoor on Tuesday. Are you up for it?”

I ran it past Fleming my internationally renowned singing chum and he too was free so we responded in the affirmative. Pete has a private hire company in Leyburn which he uses to supplement his considerable income from record contracts, personal appearances, royalties and other bookings.  I received a text at 09:40 “Just setting off”, I thought it was a bit tight but he arrived with just enough time to have a pee and we set off.

We met the other members of this scintillating group on the glassy footpath of Brompton Road. Crampons should have been made compulsory but no-one thought to pack them.  It was still extremely cold but the sun was shining and there was no breeze so perfect for walking.

I’m not sure if you’ve studied group dynamics but it is interesting how the members of our little clique pair up for a period of time then an individual will drift forward or backwards to form a new pair sometimes with a new conversation or occasionally with a repeat of the conversation that was current.

Anyway, I seem to have drifted, group dynamics. We paired naturally and conversations began about work, family and the weather. A few thoughts on the walk ahead and where we were going. This was a bit of a surprise as I thought it was preplanned. So it was to be Water End, Brompton, back to the Green Tree, over the Road and up Banks Road to the Fox and Hounds, then down Scholla Lane for a leisurely lunch back at the Golden Lion. Bri tho, ght it was about 6 miles.

On entering Brompton Pete Ham was exiting his drive and was invited to join us, his response was short but delivered with a smile so none taken. Over the two hills and take the left fork at Water End and meet Alan Hoare, followed by Paul & Sue Metcalfe and Harvery the dog.

We arrived at the Green Tree with only minor slippage and began the ascent of Banks Road with a degree of trepidation due to the challenging conditions. A car had generously stopped to allow us 5 geriatrics to ski, sledge and windmill our way past then at the five bar gate we were stationed like meerkats, Georgio and Chriski to the East plus Georguska and Pytra to the West so that Bri could have a pee!

We were over the hill, in more ways than one, and coasting down the other side taking advantage of the sliding skills we learned in the playground 50 odd years ago. Bri had abandoned his oxygen mask and we were very nearly jogging.

We managed the next hill and through the small copse with barely a pause for breath. There were some dogs in the wood who clearly felt threatened, believe me there was no way that I would be exploring their property without a protective cage.

Chris our elder statesman had oiled his zimmer and there was no holding him. We arrived at the marker stone indicating the outer-reaches of Brumpton in the year 1759 for some snaps. Peter was regaling us of the stone’s origin and how it used to be vertical, this and other fascinating facts were a steady flow that very nearly started!

Around a couple of bends, I won’t make the obvious comment, and we were looking at one the most beautiful views of the North Yorkshire Moors, framed by a delightfully rickety five bar gate, two hedges with branches that seemed to gesture towards the hills, a meadow with a light dusting of snow and the bluest sky only seen in winter. Another photo opportunity was proffered by nature and accepted with gratitude by us.

We passed Sarah’s lovely bungalow but no-one hurried out to sustain us with sherry and Christmas cake nor was there an offer to record our adventure for posterity so we skated our way by. The Fox and Hounds drew us like a magnet but we managed to ignore the impulse and made our way passed the derelict garage to make a right on to Scholla Lane where the road undertook a dramatic transformation, it got worse!

Conversation turned to childhood and riding our bikes to the top of Scholla Hill where there was a pond in the corner of the meadow that contained newts of all varieties. We would go there to try to fish out some of long strands of newt spawn that was tangled in the reeds like a thick jelly rope.

Back to our current situation with nearly a bump. things really did get tricky. It would have been safer for us to go down the hill sitting on the bonnet of Morris Minor 1000 turned upside down and used like a toboggan (we indulged in this sort of thing half a century ago on High Castle Hills but that could be another story). There was a couple of close calls with regard to falling over and Bri’s observation that you don’t bounce like you did when you were young was accepted with nods all round.

We arrived at the Golden Lion having walked, slid and windmilled 10.4 kilometres (approx 6.5 miles) at an average speed of 4.1 K/Hr. Not bad for a morning on ice and to top it all, no ambulances were called and no paramedics were hurt on this walk.

Enjoy the snaps…G..x

Please see below for details of the walk – I’ve started it from the Station but it’s easy and you can begin wherever you please…G..x

The above map is an OS representation from the Railway Station.

On exit from the station on the Northallerton side walk out of the car park and County Hal should be in front of you,  turn left towards a roundabout, the Station Hotel should be on your left. Take the third exit from the roundabout on to South Parade and walk to the end, turn left onto the High Street.

Walk through the High Street to another roundabout and turn right onto Friarage Street (M&S should be on your left). Turn left (1st exit from roundabout)

Turn left (1st exit from roundabout) onto Brompton Road and keep walking past the schools and under the footbridge, about 200 metres after the foot bridge there is a roundabout bear left and head towards Brompton. Keep walking along this road through Brompton over the cross roads in Brompton and up the small hill to Water End. Keep walking with the green and river to your left past the Village Inn and bear left around a corner towards the main road.

Keep walking along this road through Brompton over the cross roads in Brompton and up the small hill to Water End. Keep walking with the green and river to your left past the Village Inn and bear left around a corner towards the main road.

Turn right at the main road and walk along the footpath until you get to the Green Tree Inn. Immediately after the Green Tree there is a cross road. Turn left up the hill, this is Banks Road.

Keep walking along this minor road for a couple of miles, (during this time you’ll have climbed a couple of hills and gone around several bends) but eventually you’ll emerge with the Fox and Hounds in front of you. Bear left then almost immediately bear right as if you’re going

Bear left then almost immediately bear right as if you’re going behind the pub but keep walking until you get to Scholla Lane and turn right towards Northallerton. Keep walking along Scholla Lane and you’ll eventually begin to descend, go down the long hill with Northallerton in view below you.

As you re-enter the town the road will meet Bullamoor Road and you turn left towards the town center.

Keeping walking and you’ll pass the Friarage Hospital on your left. Keep walking until Kwick Fit is on your right and cross the road towards the High Street (as you walk this little bit M&S should be on your immediate right.

Once back at the High Street turn left and walk back to South Parade then turn right towards the Station and follow the signs.

Enjoy. G…x

18 May 2015 @ 15:52

2 thoughts on “Bullamoor Circular”

  1. The average speed of a walker is interesting but when analysed with the fact that there was significant ice and we stop for photographs and to take in the beautiful views.

  2. It would be good to know whether speeds and distances are preferable in metric or imperial? Please leave your thoughts? Thanks. G.


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